Construction Project Management
ph 0414 590 044
Project Management
Client focused
As a Client Side Project Manager RH Contracting are able to act on your behalf to coordinate any, or all, of the following:
the appointment of the design team including the relevant Consultants for your project,
work with the design team and yourself to develop an appropriate budget,
liaise with stakeholders to determine opportunities, constraints, and in principle support of the vision,
development approval (DA) documentation & submission,
liaise with Council and assist with the development approvals process,
construction drawing development,
preparation and negotiating the building works contract,
obtaining a Construction Certificate,
undertake the Superintendent Role in contract administration & cost control of the construction,
attendance at meetings including regular project meetings and site inspections,
obtaining an Occupation Certificate,
project handover, defects management & retention release,
development of tenant handover packages,
initial prospective tenant information liason.
Project Management
How Can A Project Manager Help You?
As a Client Side Project Manager Roger Hovermann acts in the client's best interests.
All development projects, both commercial and residential, require a manager. Often that role will be filled by either the builder or the designer, and many times the client themselves will try to manage their own project. When builders and designers take on Project Management they will usually have their own interests at stake and this can lead to issues and disagreements. When clients take on the role of manager they can run into difficulties when dealing with stake holders if they lack experience.
Roger is a licensed builder with Degrees in Economics and Planning, and has many years of experience dealing with council, Heritage, builders, designers, contractors, and trades. Roger stands in the middle of all these moving parts and acts in the best interest of the client and the project.